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Video gallery | JCI Romania Balcan Conference 2017



Balkan Conference Istanbul

You, The members of JCI, Senators, Alumnis, inventors, entreprenours, active citizens, networkers, traders and everyone between the age of 18-40 who seeks for development opportunities in a global enviroment.. You are all welcome to Balkan Conference between the dates of 13-15th of April in Silence Istanbul Hotel &Convention Center Ataşehir #jci #jcibalkanconference #jciturkey #jcibulgaria #jciromania #jcicrotia #jcimoldova #jciserbia #jciukraine #turkishairlines #istanbulawaitsyou #businessinbalkans #collaboration #motivation #impact #connect #invest

Balkan Conference Istanbul

JCI Turkey welcomes participants from all over Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Moldova, Crotia and Ukraine for the second edition of the Balkan Conference. Save the dates for 13-15 th of April! Book your tickets and get ready for an unforgettable 3 days in Istanbul! #jci #jcibalkanconference #jciturkey #jcibulgaria #jciromania #jcicrotia #jcimoldova #jciserbia #jciukraine #turkishairlines #istanbulawaitsyou #businessinbalkans #collaboration #motivation #impact #connect #invest

Balkan Conference in Istanbul

Are you ready? istanbul awaits you 😍 #jci #jcibalkanconference #jciturkey #jcibulgaria #jciromania #jcicrotia #jcimoldova #jciserbia #jciukraine #turkishairlines #istanbulawaitsyou #businessinbalkans #collaboration #motivation #impact #connect #invest

The Balkan Conference 2017 in Bucharest – New Business Culture...

The Balkan Conference 2017 in Bucharest New Business Culture in the Balkans. Day 2, April 22nd (Invest) In a collaborative effort, young leaders and entrepreneurs from JCI Bulgaria, JCI Croatia, JCI Moldova, JCI Romania, JCI Serbia, JCI Turkey and JCI Ukraine are organizing an event meant to build business bridges and attract capital for a new generation of business leaders! Video produced by Movi - http://www.movi.md Music License: Road Trip by Joakim Karud https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud Contact the artist: music@joakimkarud.com http://www.joakimkarud.com/use-my-music/ https://twitter.com/JoakimKarud

Closing of the first #BalkanConference2017 in Bucharest, Romania 🇷🇴 #JCI

CONNECT - #BalkanConference2017

The first day of our conference started in true JCI Spirit! Thanks to all of our speakers that presented they interesting businesses & shared with us they story and method to do Business in The Balkan area! Our special gratitude goes to JCI Moldova delegation for making this AWESOME video of the first day. Enjoy the second one & be ready to party in a #Balkan way tonight!

Day 1 at the #BalkanConference2017

First day at the #BalkanConference2017 was about CONNECTING. Participants from all over the Balkan Region & more - came in Bucharest to make the first steps in our 7 years twinning collaboration for learning how to #MAKE or #EXPAND Businesses in the Balkans! JCI Spirit made this day - extremely productive! Let's kick the second one! Thank you, #BC2017 COC TEAM

Balkan Conference 2017 in Bucharest. Day 1

The Balkan Conference 2017 – New Business Culture in the Balkan Day 1, April 21, Bucharest, Romania In a collaborative effort, young leaders and entrepreneurs from JCI Bulgaria, JCI Croatia, JCI Moldova, JCI Romania, JCI Serbia, JCI Turkey and JCI Ukraine are organizing an event meant to build business bridges and attract capital for a new generation of business leaders! Video produced by Movi - http://www.movi.md Music License: Road Trip by Joakim Karud https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud • Contact the artist: music@joakimkarud.com http://www.joakimkarud.com/use-my-music/ https://twitter.com/JoakimKarud


Welcome video JCI Moldova & JCI Bulgaria

Welcome message from Ion Bargan - President of JCI Moldova 2017 & Petar Dyaksov - President of JCI Bulgaria 2017! Thank you dear colleagues for this video & see you all on few days in #Bucharest! Do not forget to register for more information about the conference! http://www.jciromania.ro/bc2017

Ionela Ghita - JCI Bucharest President 2017

Welcome video from JCI Bucharest President 2017 - Ionela Irina. Take a look and #register: http://www.jciromania.ro/bc2017/ #BalkanConference #JCIBucharest #JCI #Leadership

Oana Radu - JCI Romania National President invites you at The ...

Oana Roxana Radu - our JCI Romania NATIONAL PRESIDENT 2017 is giving you -> 4 REASONS why should you come to the Balkan Conference this April from 21 to 23 🙂 Join us in #Bucharest. See more & register: http://www.jciromania.ro/bc2017/ #JCIBalkanConference #JCIRomania #Bucharest2017

Kevin Hin - 2016 JCI IVP for Europe will

Kevin Hin - 2016 JCI IVP for Europe - will attend the first #BalkanConference in April 21 - 23, 2017. Don't forget to register: http://jciromania.ro/bc2017/ #Bucharest #JCIRomania #BC2017

Ionut Tata & Cristian Culea invites you at the #BalkanConferen...

Ionut Tata - JCI Romania President 2013, JCI IVP for Europe 2015 & Cristian Culea - JCI Romania President 2015 are inviting you to our first #BalkanConference in #Bucharest! Don't forget to register! http://www.jciromania.ro/bc2017 See you in #April!

Petar Dyaksov - will attend Balkan Conference 2017

Petar Dyaksov - 2017 JCI Bulgaria President will attend the first #BalkanConference in #Bucharest ->> this APRIL! This conference will be a great opportunity to connect to the international part of our great organization. Join us! See more and register: http://jciromania.ro/bc2017/ #JCIBalkanConference2017 #BC2017 #JCIBucharest #JCIRomania

Oscar Hijosa Milà​ - will attend the Balkan Conference 2017

Happy Spring to all of you! Great news! Oscar Hijosa Milà- 2017 JCI Personal Assistant to the President will attend the first #BalkanConference in April - 21-23, 2017 -> #Bucharest! As #Oscar says -> It will be awesome! Don't forget to register: http://www.jciromania.ro/bc2017/

Zoe Aphamis - JCI VICE President for Europe

Zoe Aphamis - JCI Vice-President for Europe, will honor us with her great presence at the first #BalkanConference in #Bucharest, Romania. See you in April! #JCIBC2017 Register: http://www.jciromania.ro/bc2017/

Balkan Conference 2017 by JCI Romania

This April, we are welcoming participants to the first Balkan Conference dedicated to young and starting entrepreneurs! In a collaborative effort, young entrepreneurs from seven countries: #Bulgaria, #Croatia, #Moldova, #Romania, #Serbia, #Turkey and #Ukraine are organizing an event meant to build business bridges and attract capital for a new generation of business leaders! The Conference is organised by JCI Romania and hosted by JCI Bucuresti. See more: http://jciromania.ro/bc2017/ Registrations: http://jciromania.ro/bc2017/registration/